Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Posted: 10月 27, 2010 in Uncategorized



Sth I have to say…

Posted: 2月 14, 2010 in Uncategorized
U guyes will never understand the feeling that I got right now. I just visited the place where I was born, It was realy shock me out. I do can undertand the feeling that my parensents had and what I have got when they introduced to me. however, I have to express. I wanna be back, but, how can I  go back. the TG and common citizens changed everything , how can I keep my life normal. Hoping the goverment would be better than ever, and hoping I could be back under my personal decision…. .

Revised version

Posted: 10月 30, 2009 in Uncategorized

Men love from over looking while women love from looking up. If love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men; if love is a valley, then if man go down, fewer women they will see while women will see more men.


Maybe 99% of men only wanna climb a mountain bah~

Key issues recently~

Posted: 9月 21, 2009 in Uncategorized

It was obviously that the the election in Japan is one of the most important topics in August. Although I am a foreigner here, the competition even warm me up to check some parties’ flyers


Top words this week~~

Posted: 9月 10, 2009 in Uncategorized

“Even if when you’re struggling, even if when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you, DON’T EVER give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your COUNTRY."


Good days and tough days

Posted: 8月 25, 2009 in Uncategorized

We, people around world, like to say that we have good days and tough days, which makes different kinds of our common life. why I entitled “good days and tough days” is what I saw from which uploaded by some Taiwanese about the displaced guys, caused by the strong typhoon on 8 Aug, throw away the convenient foods. really scared me~, are they really refugees? do they really need help?

Think about peoples live in the black continent, most of guys still under poverty, even drink a bottle of fresh water is a colorful dream of many African; Think about the children live in west of China, even a piece of blank paper is a precious present for them. In my mind, god would bless them and people should donate for changing their conditions.

while, the case in Taiwan, “God bless them and save my bill~”


Posted: 6月 4, 2009 in Uncategorized



Posted: 4月 21, 2009 in Uncategorized

突然觉得应该写点什么,也着实需要写点什么,对着电脑发了半天的呆,又对着之前铅笔写下的draft发了很久楞,终于挤出了几页英文,然后又愣住,突然发觉肚子有些空荡荡,随即抄起钱包车钥匙MP3杀下山去,通往停车场的路上无意中发现含苞待放的什么花,比较知漏的说,去年盛开的时候不经意间还曾问过先辈,不过现在都已经忘却了,从昨夜至今,天一直阴着,狂风卷着浓云迅速的飘来,趟不是4月定又是一次大雪,还好,有含苞待放的花蕾在提醒我,春天,这是春天,狂风吹来的不是大雪,而是在樱花飘雪似的落下后的晚春初夏~ 期待着花蕾的绽放~

PS: 刚去吃了中华料理,蛋炒饭+炒豆芽,味道不错,只是决定以后不吃这个组合,哈哈~



Posted: 11月 29, 2008 in Uncategorized
